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富永謙一 アートミュージアム




Pinacoteca of Kenichi Tominaga

at Haryu Minami-Aizu town (Fukushima)

Located in Minamiaizu, the gallery displays over 60 works, mostly oil paintings, the spaces are divided among the salon, corridors, and four galleries in the log house architecture.

The works are exhibited in a wide range of styles, from early artworks painted in Rome, Italy, around 1987, to works created in the artist's studio in Izu, Jaishi around 2004..

The works are fused with the natural scenery seen through the windows, and can be viewed with a sense of strolling in the relaxed flow of time.

​アクセスマップ/Access map

住所: 〒967-0026 福島県南会津郡南会津町針生字宮の下1742-2

              (バス停:青少年旅行村前 徒歩2分)

Address : 1110 Miyanoshita, Haryu, MinamiAizu-cho, MinamiAizu-gun, 

       Fukushima , Japan  (zip 967-0026)

TEL: 0241-64-5305

FAX: 0241-64-5307

アンカー 1
アンカー 4

富永謙一 ミニギャラリー

​北海道空知郡上富良野町 「旅の宿 Mr. GNU 」

「旅の宿 Mr.GNU」は北海道・上富良野町の丘の上に建つ宿です。晴れた日には十勝岳が一望できる最高のロケーションにあります。作家の長男が経営している宿です。こちらには長男の純平さんが選んだ、水彩作品・油絵作品・コラージュ作品を30点ほど展示しています。コーヒーでも飲みながら、暖かいオーナーの父であり作家の昔話を聞きながら、作品をゆっくり鑑賞できます。

アンカー 3

Mini gallery of Kenichi Tominaga

at Kami-Furano town (Hokkaido)

This gallery is located in a Travel Inn "Mr.GNU" on a hill in Kami- Furano, Hokkaido. On a clear day, Travel Inn  has an excellent location with a panoramic view of Mt. Tokachi.

This Travel inn is owned and operated by the artist's eldest son, Jumpei. There are about 30 artworks (watercolor and oil paintings, collages) selected and displayed by him.

You can enjoy a cup of coffee and listen to the warm old stories of the artist, the owner's father, and admire his works in the gallery.

​アクセスマップ/Access map

住所: 〒071-0512 北海道空知郡上富良野町西12線北35号2224-46

Address : Hokkaido Sorachigun Kamihuranocyou Nishi12sen

       Kita35gou 2224-46 , Japan  (zip 071-0512)

TEL/FAX: 0167-45-6662

Mr. GNU website

アンカー 2
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